Thursday, September 14, 2006

Write and see what you get

I have started creating links to my MS Space because I wanted to try out the new Live Writer. This is an editor which formats blog entries nicely and then submits them to a blog site without one having to use different tools RE-produce the look and feel of an existing document in blog displayable format.

If you would like to try it also then get it from here, but remember it is Beta software so you may not want to connect it to an existing blog. If you need a safe place to point to from both your blog and the Live Writer then setup a space for yourself at I am not going to repeat here what you can find adequately communicated elsewhere so start here to learn more about this product!

A template towards automation of Event Monitoring

On Further to the Google Blog you will find another template that I created to help students learn about templates and how they can make a DBA's life easier. It is the skeleton of a template that can be extended to enhance ones learning about event monitoring and how the service broker service is used to set it up, along with the relevant supporting objects. I hope you find it of value. If I directed you to it then please extend it as I have described for you in class.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Who am I

I just came across information about while reading through some newsgroup entries. It does exactly what the site says. It tells me what my IP address is. Useful if you are connecting through an ISP with a temporary leased Ip address amongst other things. The site also has reminders of commonly required prompt commands for dealing with IP addresses and even describes how an address is made up.