Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Immediate benefits from moving onto a 64bit AMD Platform

"Will my software be limited by the same memory constraints on a 64bit machine as when on a 32bit machine"

Fair question! The reality is that when using a 64bit machine on an AMD chip the operating system, which is common to both the 32bit and 64bit persona's of the machine, does not capitalise the space allocated to the windows application execution environment.

This means that even without utilizing Advanced Windowing Extensions (AWE) you can access up to 4GB of memory rather than having to rely on 3GB and what can be stolen from the OS temporarily.

Go to 'tell me more about AMD use of memory' to get further details and there are lots of links therein to increase your knowledge about the subject area.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Three cheers for Microsoft Learning Support

Moving a whole world from procedural coding to Object Oriented principles takes a lot of things, not least of which is training.

However, while schools and colleges try to achieve government set targets and companies outsource resources rather than investing in them, Microsoft offer a hand of friendship to the poor worker/ learner.

If your interested in following a career in programming using the latest tools and techniques, or your the parent of a child who asks you where they can learn how to program, or your a teacher looking for assistance in helping your children but cannot afford the hefty prices that are sometimes charged to get your own skills up to date, now you have somewhere you can go!

Head for learning help from Microsoft where this fantastic company has kept alive the idea that they started with knowledge sharing with Encarta many years ago. Now they are sharing their resources with you so that you can learn about the latest software development techniques at your own pace.

Get your dirty machine clean and fresh again

Ever ended up with an unstable machine that you can't just blow away and re-install, due to time constraints? Well yo would be amazed at how often you come across this kind of situation now that computers are in widespread use, as are Beta versions of very enticing products!

The nice people at VMware have come up with tools that can help with a solution. You can save the complete machine as a virtual machine. Blow away the contaminated machine and then transfer the good bits back at your leisure.

The tools are made available free to you by Vmware. Download VMware Converter and use this to convert your current machine into a virtual machine and store it somewhere safe, a new external hard disk is much cheaper than a replacement machine, which I have seen some desperate users resort to.

Then go to Download VMware Server to load the newly created virtual machine, having restored your machine to its factory installed state.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Give and take wins again

It is always better to give and take rather than just taking all the time. Now it is definitely becoming a fashion of goodness. Join in at Liftshare Solutions