Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Five Tibetan Rites

Something that has always interested me is how some people can excercise like mad and get nowhere while other people don't even bother to excercise and appear quite fit anyway. A few months ago I was talking to one of the other instructors who is into Karate and he told me about some excercises that he does which are supposed to be excellent for you. He had got to the point where he was doing hundreds of these a day. I followed up the lead he provided and finally came across the Five Tibetans.

It would appear that the Budhist monks needed to keep their physical energy primed while spending hours and hours observing their inner workings.

This may seem easy to someone who has never tried meditating, but all of the guys in the class a few weeks ago who were expected to keep still for two hours revealed to themselves the truth about the difficulty of keeping still if you are not fit for it.

There are 5 excercises, combined with breathing and meditation, which were designed to provide these budhists with he requisite energy. They have become to be known as the 5 Tibetans and they are movements that are designed so that 21 repetitions of each will eventually build the energy that you can use while seeking deeper meaning to your life. Alternatively they will give you endless energy to increase the reps instead. You invest the 21 and reap the rest - Either mental or phyiscal, it just depends what makes you tick :-)

Five Tibetan Rites

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