Thursday, December 20, 2007

A head start with getting to grips with SQL 2008

PASS is the Professional Association for SQL Server & Business Intelligence.

If the organisations name had kept pace with their contribution to the strategic direction of MS SQL Server since its inception, then it may well have changed its name to PassBI. However, you can probably see the negative side of this :-)

It may have been more appropriate to call it Advanced Contribution Through Individual Voluntary Endeavour as PASS, thus making it ActivePass. However, it is often difficult to change something after the event and sometimes it is better to leave a great thing alone rather than tempt breaking what it contributes towards. Such synergistic contribution can affect the outcome of strategic changes negatively, and Vice-versa.

In their usual understated fashion, the great bunch of people that make up PASS, have made available, with the help of Maximum ASP and Dell, access to a free copy of SQL Server 2008, with associated learning materials at I would get there quickly because all of this is a new idea and resources will run out sooner or later.

Access to the Free SQL Server 2008 Beta includes a FREE PASS membership.

FREE PASS membership* includes:
· Subscription to the PASS eNewsletter

· Access to SQL Server Community programs

· Access to national and regional events

· Access to expert-user book reviews, technical webinars & podcasts.

It is all a bit like a Möbius strip. I have never properly understood why you can keep drawing the line without coming to the end of the paper! I guess it is similar to synergy, you don't know how it happens but it is a nice pleasant surprise when you see the outcome.

I hope you enjoy the site if you get to it on time. If not then keep trying, it is human nature for everyone to want something but only some to put something back. The site is being controlled so that if a resource lays dormant it will be made available to others who can use it better, no sweat on either party. How nice is that!

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